Patrick Fiorilli, Ph.D.

How does a world emerge from language?

This is the question that guides my work as a critic and theorist. Surveying literature and media that foreground linguistic experimentation, I seek to understand the symbiotic—and often parasitic—relationships between language and the fictional, virtual, and actual worlds we experience and inhabit. Throughout my work, I mobilize video games to develop ways of thinking about these relationships.

As an interdisciplinary scholar, I draw on the varied traditions of media theory (digital media, game studies), literary theory (poststructuralism, postmodernism), critical theory (science and technology studies, ecocriticism), and continental philosophy (language, phenomenology).

Presently, I’m working on a monograph about how the virtual worlds of video games manifest in and as language. I’m also charting future work on the linguistic and ecological implications of artificial intelligence.

I hold a Ph.D. an an M.S. in Digital Media from the Georgia Institute of Technology, where I also earned a certification in Science and Technology Studies, and a B.A. in Comparative Literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where I also completed a minor and a thesis in Creative Writing.

You can find my writing, teaching portfolio, game design portfolio, and contact information in the header above. Thanks for stopping by!